Here Comes The Hotstepper featured in Sonic The Hedgehog 2, an animated movie that has children ages 5- 55 from South Africa to South Carolina is excited.
The movie is driven by hits songs from Kid Cudi, Run DMC, Ice Cube, Nora Jones and This Is Ho We Do It by Montelle Jordan. Another familiar favorite in the movie is “Here Comes the Hotstepper (Heartical Mix)” by reggae singer Ini Kamoze. The song appears in sync with the scene towards the beginning where the Wachowskis leave for a wedding in Hawaii. Sonic throws a party in the house and lathers the entire living room (including the dog) with soap bubbles.
Here Comes The Hotstepper has been the number 1 reggae iTunes song for the past two months and re-emerged at number 11 on Billboard‘s R&B/Hip-Hop Digital Song Sales chart, plus accumulated millions of views on TikTok videos with the hashtags #hotstepper and #herecomesthehotstepper.
It was Ini’s only to 40 song and it also went number-one hit in Denmark, New Zealand, and Zimbabwe and a top-10 hit in 13 other countries. John Gibbons made a remix of the song in 2018.”
The song was the first Dancehall tune to hit #1 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart.